November Meetup: North Dakota Blockchain Group

Any individual who is interested in learning about and discussing anything and everything regarding blockchain technology! We hope that when people join the meetup that they come eager to learn, discuss, and potentially participate and contribute to the group's goals in whatever way they think they can.

What are the goals of this group?
- Be a decentralized organization with open contribution from all members
- Explore business, government, societal impact of blockchain
- Advance digital currency trading safety and strategy
- Champion North Dakota blockchain opportunities

We also have a public facebook group where we share different articles and resources related to blockchain. Search for us as "ND BlockChain Group".

Meetup Agenda:

1) Introductions
2) Dan - BlockChain 101 & New website
3) Nick - NY conference update
4) Wayne - Hard Forks
5) Ryan - Group Poll and discussion on future meetup input
6) Open floor...

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